full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Shai Marcu: The benefits of a good night's sleep

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Milner's findings, along with work by Eric Kandel in the 90's, have given us our current model of how this cnolitsiadoon process works. Sensory data is ilaliinty transcribed and temporarily rdecoerd in the neurons as short-term memroy. From there, it travels to the hippocampus, which strengthens and enhances the neurons in that cortical area. Thanks to the phenomenon of nsetlapitouciry, new synaptic buds are formed, allowing new connections between neurons, and strengthening the nraeul network where the information will be returned as long-term memory.

Open Cloze

Milner's findings, along with work by Eric Kandel in the 90's, have given us our current model of how this _____________ process works. Sensory data is _________ transcribed and temporarily ________ in the neurons as short-term ______. From there, it travels to the hippocampus, which strengthens and enhances the neurons in that cortical area. Thanks to the phenomenon of _______________, new synaptic buds are formed, allowing new connections between neurons, and strengthening the ______ network where the information will be returned as long-term memory.


  1. consolidation
  2. neuroplasticity
  3. initially
  4. recorded
  5. memory
  6. neural

Original Text

Milner's findings, along with work by Eric Kandel in the 90's, have given us our current model of how this consolidation process works. Sensory data is initially transcribed and temporarily recorded in the neurons as short-term memory. From there, it travels to the hippocampus, which strengthens and enhances the neurons in that cortical area. Thanks to the phenomenon of neuroplasticity, new synaptic buds are formed, allowing new connections between neurons, and strengthening the neural network where the information will be returned as long-term memory.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
memory formation 2

Important Words

  1. allowing
  2. area
  3. buds
  4. connections
  5. consolidation
  6. cortical
  7. current
  8. data
  9. enhances
  10. eric
  11. findings
  12. formed
  13. hippocampus
  14. information
  15. initially
  16. kandel
  17. memory
  18. model
  19. network
  20. neural
  21. neurons
  22. neuroplasticity
  23. phenomenon
  24. process
  25. recorded
  26. returned
  27. sensory
  28. strengthening
  29. strengthens
  30. synaptic
  31. temporarily
  32. transcribed
  33. travels
  34. work
  35. works